Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Creative Name

This month I ended up going over budget on a few things. Not ideal.  I won't be too hard on myself though because I went over on food which was in direct correlation to us hosting most of our family for the holidays this year.  I went over the Christmas budget I tried to was unrealistic. I also went above and beyond with our household budget. I know, it's supposed to be the holiday season when you spend money and time on gifts for loved ones but I couldn't resist a 50% off sale at the craft store. I have been plotting and planning this project for a few months but just didn't have the resources or justification to pull the trigger until the big sale. And honestly, I should blame it all on my mother-in-law for sending me to the craft store in the first place to pick up a little bottle of fabric paint. Either way, I have the beginning pieces to a wonderful stairway art and picture project. Yep, this is just the beginning.  For Christmas I asked for prints of our wedding pictures which I will frame in various textures and colors to showcase my wonderful family. More pictures coming soon.

Enjoy food, family and everything else that makes you happy

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