Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Creative, Healthy and on a Budget

A little about me and my decision to let you into my life instead of keeping my brilliant ideas to myself....

I am the mother of two wonderful and playful children and wife to an amazing man who completes everything I could ever want in my life. My number one goal in life right now: Make their life healthy and happy. I could do the things I do and be perfectly happy just taking care of my family but that would be pretty selfish of me. One thing I have learned about being a mother is to share ideas and successes because if it helps just one more person get to a happier and healthier place in life then it's worth the time and energy to share. 

Why a "creatively, healthy budget"? I struggle daily with the dreaded budget.  If it were up to me I would be independently wealthy with the ability to buy only the healthiest most natural foods and be as creative as I want with our household inside and out. Unfortunately, that isn't the way of life for many. I have to be on a budget and I have to be conscious of this budget otherwise my oh so wonderful husband becomes unhappy, therefore failing at my goal in life. The biggest strains on my attempt to stay within a budget is maintaining a healthy kitchen and fulfilling my creative needs. Throughout this adventure I will do my best to provide healthy recipes, fun decorating ideas, budget tips and tricks and anything else that comes along worth sharing.

Join me on this journey and keep your mind open. Bend and twist my ideas into something that works for your lifestyle and let's all enjoy a healthier, happier life.  

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