Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sharing Favorite Indulgences - Wine

I hope you have been as lucky as me to find the perfect red wine and the perfect white wine for your every day enjoyment. If not, I will share with you my absolute favorites so you can try them out for yourself.  If you don't like them, well, we tried :)

My mom attends a wine group once a month where they blindly taste different wines, usually along with a theme for that month, for example; Napa California wines, decantered vs. undecantered wines, Champagnes, etc.  They have food, wine and good company.  I am a little jealous because being a working mom of little rug rats I don't have that disposable time for a regular social group right now. I still consider myself lucky because I have found the wine I can't live without at my house. The first one is a Riesling that is slightly sweet and very smooth called Bloom.  It is an easy wine to drink at any occasion.  At my mother's wine club it is unanimous that Bloom is everyone's favorite. My mom and I together will order a case each from a liquor store so that we make sure not to run out of it. I give it away as thank you gifts and I give it away to pretty much anyone who shows interest. My brother-in-law even ordered a case for me for Christmas because he knew I liked it so much and can only get it at a couple places around town. It is only a $7-9 bottle of wine so if you are still looking for that bottle you can enjoy without breaking the budget this is a perfect one to try.

My red is a little more complex. I have two, and part of the difficulty in finding the right red is finding one that my husband also enjoys. We are a little biased on the first one because it is the wine we drank on our honeymoon.  It is also a wine made with organic grapes so it makes me feel like I am being a little healthier and more responsible when I drink it. It is Bontera Cabernet. I have noticed that the different years are fairly different in taste so I have been working to collect a few different ones to try.  My favorite right now is the 2009, which is the year we tried on our honeymoon.  Bontera can be a little more expensive ranging from $13-$16 per bottle but I can usually find it at our grocery store for $10.99 on sale. The second is a red table wine. It is Blackstone Delectable Red.  Someone brought this wine to our house and left half of it so my husband and I, being the frugals we are not wanting to waste wine finished it and we both really enjoyed how easy it was to drink.  It wasn't too dry or too sweet, we had it with spaghetti and then finished it after dinner while watching a movie.

I hope you are able to try these recommendations and please share any suggestions you have because I love trying new wine but am always apprehensive to spend the money on a bottle if I am not sure if I will like it...

Enjoy food, family and everything else that makes you happy

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